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California Law Revision Commission

-- Last revised 07/26/24 --

August 15, 2024 Meeting - Agenda
Email Notification of Agendas | PDF Version (may not be as current) | Prior Meeting Agendas

The next meeting of the Commission is scheduled for:

August 15, 2024 -- 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Sacramento & Zoom Teleconference

Meeting Location:


Byron Sher Auditorium
California Environmental Protection Agency Building
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

Meeting Information

Meeting Location(s): This meeting will be conducted in person. Invited speakers and members of the public can also participate in the meeting by Zoom teleconference. Details on how to join the meeting through Zoom can be found below.

Meeting Notices and Materials: Commission meeting notices and materials are available on this site. The items on this agenda may be reordered or deleted, or the meeting may be rescheduled, on short notice.

Video Recordings: The meeting will be recorded and will be uploaded to the Commission’s YouTube page, after the meeting has concluded. For a webpage with the links to all the available YouTube Videos: CLICK HERE.

Contact Information: For further information about the meeting, to request the accommodation of a disability, or to request notification of any schedule changes, contact Debora Larrabee at 916-409-6543 or

Zoom Webinar:

Members of the public who participate in the webinar will be able to see and hear the entirety of the meeting, but will have their microphones and video feeds muted until they are recognized by the Chair. If you wish to be recognized, you should "raise your hand" and wait to be called on. If you are participating in the video conference, the Zoom software will provide a button you can click to raise your hand. If you have called in by telephone, you can raise your hand by dialing "*9".

August 15, 2024 -- 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

  1. Minutes
    Minutes of June 20, 2024 Meeting (Draft)
    Memorandum 2024-29 (SR & KB) (7/16/24)
         Download PDF file: Memo

  2. Administrative Matters

    Report of Executive Director
    Oral Report. May include budget, personnel, contract, meeting schedule, attendance, or other current agency administrative matters.

    Commissioner Suggestions
    Oral Discussion. May include proposals for new study topics, discussion of Commission procedures, or other general matters.

    Meeting Schedule
    Memorandum 2024-30 (SR & KB) (to be sent)

  3. 2024 Legislative Program

    Status Report
    Memorandum 2024-31 (SR & SC) (7/26/24)
         Download PDF file: Memo

  4. ◄◄ SPECIAL ORDER: 10:15 A.M. ►► Antitrust Law [Study B-750]

    Order of Business to be Announced in Final Agenda

    Status Report
    Memorandum 2024-32 (SR & SH) (07/19/24)
         Download PDF file: Memo
    First Supplement to Memorandum 2024-32 (SR & SH) (07/25/24)
         Download PDF file: Memo

    Expert Report Consumer Welfare Standard
    Memorandum 2024-33 (SR & SH) (07/19/24)
         Download PDF file: Memo
    Presentations by representatives of expert working group

    Expert Report Concerted Action
    Memorandum 2024-34 (SR & SH) (07/19/24)
         Download PDF file: Memo
    Presentations by representatives of expert working group

    Expert Report Enforcement and Exemptions
    Memorandum 2024-35 (SR & SH) (07/19/24)
         Download PDF file: Memo
    Presentations by representatives of expert working group

  5. Recodification of Toxic Substances Statutes [Study E-200]

    Reactivation of Study
    Memorandum 2024-36 (SC) (to be sent)

    Cumulative Draft of Material Previously Presented
    Memorandum 2024-37 (SC) (to be sent)

  6. State and Local Agency Access to Customer Information From Communication Service Providers [Study G-300]

    Notice of Administrative Subpoena
    Memorandum 2024-38 (SH) (to be sent)

  7. Equal Rights Amendment [Study I-100]

    Update and Next Steps
    Memorandum 2024-39 (KB & SH) (to be sent)