General Information
Mission. The California Law Revision Commission is an independent state agency created by statute in 1953. It assists the Legislature and Governor by examining California law and recommending needed reforms.Active Studies. Active Commission studies are listed in the sidebar to the right. If you are interested in following a particular study, you can subscribe to receive e-mail notices whenever material related to that topic is uploaded to this site. The notices will include a link to download the new material.
Meetings. The Commission performs its work in open public meetings. The agenda for each meeting includes links to download the materials that will be discussed at the meeting. Decisions made at Commission meetings are recorded in the official minutes for each meeting.
Recommendations. Once the Commission has made preliminary decisions on how to reform the law, it issues a tentative recommendation soliciting public comment on the proposed reform. After the Commission has thoroughly considered public input on the proposal, it will typically make a final recommendation, which is delivered to the Legislature and the Governor and then published. The final recommendation includes a narrative explanation of the proposed law, proposed statutory language, and official comments on each affected code section. Historically, over 90% of the Commission's recommendations have been enacted into law, affecting more than 22,500 sections of the California statutory codes.
Materials. Materials relating to Commission studies can be found in a searchable index of all code sections affected by Commission recommendations, a searchable index of all staff memoranda, and a catalog of all final recommendations and reports.
Personnel. The Commission consists of seven members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate, one Senator, one Assembly Member, and the Legislative Counsel. The Commission is supported by a small professional staff. Current personnel are listed here.
Contact Us. The Commission welcomes public participation in its process. Public testimony and written comments play an important part in shaping Commission decisions. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments that you have regarding the Commission or its work.
Active Studies
- Study B-750. Antitrust Law
- Study E-200. Recodification of Toxic Substance Statutes
- Study I-100. Equal Rights Amendment
- Study I-200. Terminology Relating to Persons with Disabilities
- Study G-300. State and Local Agency Access to Customer Information from Communication Service Providers
- Study X-100. Emergency-Related Reforms
Mailing Address
c/o Legislative Counsel Bureau
925 L Street, Suite 275
Sacramento, CA 95814